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The Right to Health

Every American has the Right to Health Care. Health is the foundation for a full and productive life. Yet for far too long, the corporate stranglehold on our health care system has kept Americans from accessing and affording the health care they need.

The cost of health care in America is too high.

On average, every American pays more than $10,000 a year on health care costs — more than any other developed nation. Predatory drug companies, insurance corporations, and hospitals are squeezing every last dollar possible from the system to bolster their profits. The result leaves more than 28 million Americans with no health insurance and unable to afford basic care.

Tom will create a competitive public option to drive down costs, expand coverage, and deliver quality care to everyone who lives here, including the undocumented community.

Affordable health care isn’t a privilege just for the wealthy. It’s a right for all.

“My Right to Health plan creates a public option that prioritizes your health and your care over corporate greed.”
─ Tom Steyer

Controlling Costs

With an affordable, quality public option available, the message to private insurers will be crystal clear — compete on cost and quality of care, or lose customers.

Tom’s plan will enable the government to negotiate costs with medical groups and providers directly, just like Medicare does today.

To eliminate surprise billing, Tom’s plan will cap emergency room expenses and will ensure that everything required for a patient’s care — including medical professionals on call and lab work — are in-network.

Prescription drug prices will be benchmarked against international standards and price-capped, so Americans can receive affordable medication.

Tom’s administration will enact antitrust regulations and consumer protection laws to break the corporate stranglehold over our health care system.

Expanding coverage

With millions of low-income Americans living without insurance, we need to make universal access to coverage is a reality. Tom will protect key provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and reaffirm the ACA’s commitment to providing for people younger than 26 and those living with pre-existing conditions.

His public option offers fully subsidized enrollment for the nearly 5 million qualifying individuals who should be covered under an expanded Medicaid.

Tom’s framework allows people who receive coverage through their employer to opt into the public option if it better suits their needs. To increase affordability for the middle class, Tom will expand financial subsidies offered by the ACA.

Improving Care 

Integrated care, improved digital medical record management, accountability for quality service, and coordination between providers will improve the overall health care experience.

Tribal nations, women, veterans, rural communities, people with disabilities, and communities of color have been denied access to full health care for too long.

Tom’s framework will provide access for reproductive health services — including abortion — as a core part of all health plans. Tom supports the Veterans Affairs hospital system and will expand affordable access for our nation’s veterans.

By allocating additional resources to hospitals, encouraging community health centers, and investing in telemedicine, Tom’s administration will ensure the vitality of rural Americans.

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