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A plan for a people-powered economy

Unchecked corporations and their corrupt cronies are controlling our democracy — Tom will put people in the driver’s seat again.

Tom founded his small investment firm and grew it into a $36 billion international company. Over that time he became intimately familiar with our economy. Not only does Tom have the business background and experience to take on Donald Trump on the economy, but he also understands that capitalism can offer numerous benefits — freedom of choice, competition, innovation, and sustained economic growth. 

Unchecked capitalism undermines our democracy and hurts too many people. 

To keep medications affordable, education accessible, and our planet livable, Tom’s plan proposes bold changes, including major structural reform and a wealth tax. Only by properly regulating corporations and setting fair ground rules can we ensure that our government truly belongs to the people.

Breaking the corporate stranglehold

As president, Tom will enact comprehensive structural reform, so corporate lobbyists and special interests no longer control our democracy. Labor unions are a powerful check on corporations, and Tom will support their right to organize for worker protections, such as a $15/hour minimum wage, an increased earned income tax credit, and expanded retirement benefits.

Investing in people

Tom will protect the 5 Rights we all need to thrive — the right to an equal vote, clean air and clean water, a good education, affordable health care, and a living wage.
He will direct government spending to new business opportunities, good-paying jobs, and a skilled and healthy workforce.
His plan includes increased investments in public schools, higher education, worker training, social service programs, and America’s infrastructure.
Unlike Trump, who works to fatten the pockets of the Trump organization and his corporate cronies, Tom believes it’s time for the wealthiest Americans to pay up.

Harnessing innovation and competition

Tom will unleash American creativity and ingenuity by ensuring fairness in a market-based economy.
It is time for a government controlled by the people, not corporations, to set economic rules of the road.
To harness innovation and promote competition, Tom will start by enforcing existing — and considering new — antitrust regulations to create fair markets across all sectors and industries.
By declaring a climate emergency on day one of his presidency, Tom will begin implementing his Justice-Centered Climate Plan, which will create 46 million jobs over ten years, according to an analysis conducted by a University of California researcher.
He will negotiate trade agreements with vital economic partners to strengthen key U.S. economic sectors.

Tom’s background

While Donald Trump claims his long history of failed and bankrupted businesses made him a “master of the deal,” Tom is a true self-made billionaire.
In 1986, he opened Farallon Capital Management and grew the firm by investing in businesses that expanded and hired more people.
Tom and his wife, Kat Taylor, were among the first to sign the “Giving Pledge” to dedicate their wealth to philanthropic purposes during their lifetimes.